When you’re are heartbroken, nothing can help. Spend time with friends! This is probably the most important piece of advice. Being alone will make you sit and over analyze everything (the good and the bad) in your past relationship. Keep yourself occupied, and your friends will be great at helping with this! They will keep you focused on other, happier things, and time will ease all anxious thoughts you have about your breakup!
Work on who you are as a person. In relationships you often lose sight of yourself. By doing the things you like, you’ll be reminded of your independence and how good it feels to do only what YOU want to do. You don’t realize when you are in a relationship how much you give up of yourself to make a compromising relationship work.
Was your relationship really all that great? Doubtful! After breaking up, it is very common to look back and only remember the good things about the relationship. The truth is, whether you’re ready to admit it or not, there were some major issues making one or the other unhappy – otherwise you’d still be together. Be realistic about things you didn’t like about your relationship, and what you want out of your next relationship. Coming to these realizations will make your break up a lot easier! Being heartbroken is a terrible feeling, so do all you can to make yourself a happy healthy person again!