?You've spend countless hours with your man's guy pals but every time you suggest he come hang out with the girls, he balks. His buds are impressed with your sports trivia knowledge; meanwhile, your friends are beginning to think he's a figment of your imagination. When your boyfriend refuses to bond with the girls, it's time to get creative.
Double Dates Solve Dilemmas
Your boyfriend may feel uncomfortable being the only guy in the group. Invite some of your paired-off pals over for a barbeque or after-dinner drinks. Having other men present can help get your guy to come out of his shell and get to know your friends a bit better. Once the initial awkwardness has worn off, he may be more open to joining in on the next girl's night out.
Help Forge a Connection
Some men just don't know how to talk to women. Look how long it took you to get him to open up in your own relationship! He may worry he won't have anything to talk about in a girls-only setting. Spend some time considering his interests and find a friend that shares his love for muscle cars, college football or Star Wars. Be sure to tell your friend about your boyfriend's nervousness ahead of time so she can steer the conversation toward their shared connection.
Sing His Praises
When girls get together, guys imagine all sorts of shady things. Your boyfriend doesn't want to spend an evening listening to your friends bash his kind. If you can manage to get your guy to commit to an outing with the girls, be sure to talk up his skills throughout the course of the evening. It gives you a chance to show off your man and allows him to see that a night with the girls isn't so bad after all.