?Boyfriends…Can’t live with them can’t live without them! Is your boyfriend driving you crazy? Are you being the best girlfriend possible and not getting anything in return? Whip your man into shape! Put him the Boyfriend Boot Camp and watch all your worries disappear! There are many reasons your beau may need a little help and guidance when it comes to being a great boyfriend and functioning member of society. Use this as a guide to getting that perfect man you’ve dreamed about, he’s right in front of your face (maybe) you just need to do a little “training”.
Is your boyfriend unemployed? Big problem! If he is “looking” and its more than a month, you most likely have issues. Analyze his drive as a person. If he lacks ambition, find something that will motivate him. Maybe he is searching in the wrong industry. If he “never wants a job” or thinks he is able to make it rich quick with some scheme, you have a way bigger problem than any boot camp (or counseling for that matter) can help. If that’s case, dump him quick!
Does your boyfriend sell drugs? Another big problem! This one is more easily fixed however. This is something that is often used to supplement income. And it’s easy money, so your man isn’t exactly going to be willing to give it up so quickly. But carefully explaining how this negatively affects you and your relationship will help. Don’t immediately rush to ultimatums, because that may not end very well. By making it about you (for example, I feel like…) instead of placing blame on him, he will be much more responsive to change.
The key to any situation in boyfriend boot camp is how you approach any given situation. By carefully choosing your words, timing, and desired outcome, you can ensure success in getting what you want out of your relationship!